Scope of Practice

Scope of Practice of Berry College Health Center

The Berry College Health Center is an ambulatory healthcare center. The policies and
procedures below were developed by the Medical Director and the Director of the Health

Services Provided:

  • Ambulatory Clinic: Care is available for minor health problems, injuries, and assistance with referrals as needed.
  • Laboratory Services: At the provider's discretion, point-of-care testing is available for
    common illnesses such as flu, strep, COVID-19, and mononucleosis. The Health Center can also perform urinalysis and pregnancy testing. Further comprehensive laboratory and diagnostic testing (X-ray, ultrasounds, etc.) are available but completed at an offsite location and do have a cost associated with the testing.
  • Minor procedures: Minor procedures can be performed, such as ingrown toenail removal, ear irrigation, skin lesion removal (limited), incision and drainage (limited), and suture removal.
  • Allergy Injections: Allergy injections are administered at the direction of the student's
    allergist. Students must provide medication and written instructions from the allergist. Students must call to make an appointment for allergy injections. A nurse practitioner or physician must
    be present to receive allergy injections in the Health Center.
  • Gynecological Services: Gynecological exams are offered at recommended intervals and on an as-needed basis as deemed appropriate by the provider.
  • Health Promotion Consultation: The Health Center can assist students in learning about healthy lifestyles and disease prevention and make appropriate referrals.
  • Health Problem Management: The Health Center can assist students with chronic health problems (such as asthma, diabetes, mental health as appropriate, and others) in managing their health while adjusting to college life. We are not intended for long-term primary care use due to limited resources and continuity of care. We can help with medication refills within our scope. The Health Center does not prescribe controlled substances (such as ADD/ADHD medications, benzodiazepines, medications for sleep/insomnia, and opioid medications).
  • Medical/Housing/ESA Accommodations: The Health Center does not provide any referrals for long-term medical/housing/ESA accommodations. Accommodations must be facilitated through the Academic Success Center and provider that treats specific medical conditions requiring accommodations
  • STI/Contraception Information and Consultation: STI and birth control information, testing, and treatment are available to students by appointment only. STI testing is available at an additional cost to the student. Condoms are always available without an appointment
  • Health Education: Information is provided on health-related topics. Ongoing campus programs and activities address different health and wellness topics.
  • Class Absences Due to Illness: Health Services does not routinely provide excuses for class absences. Written documentation of visits and illnesses is provided in the student's Medicat Patient Portal. It is the student's responsibility to provide this documentation and notify their
    professors/supervisors about illness or absences. If a student must be excluded from class for an extended period due to an illness/injury, the Health Center will provide medical documentation regarding when the student can return to normal activity.